- 新加坡朝日化学焊料公司的一个部门
- 成立以开展抗菌系列产品业务
- 研发中心设在新加坡工厂
- 与 A*star 和 SimTech 等多个政府机构合作开发抗菌系列产品和新技术
- 内部研发
- 制造能力
- 遍布亚洲的设施
新加坡朝日化学焊料工业私人有限公司 (Singapore Asahi Chemical & Solder Industries Pte Ltd) 自 1977 年以来一直是一家私营公司,在新加坡设有区域制造中心,并在马来西亚、印度尼西亚和中国等亚洲地区设有制造业务。
Adoption of Antimicrobial Coating In The Hospitality Industry
Leading hotel chains across North America, Europe, and Asia have started to incorporate this technology into their guest rooms. For example, several luxury hotel brands...
Antimicrobial Coated Mattress For A Safe Night's Sleep
Traveling is an adventure that brings excitement, discovery, and, at times, a bit of stress. The choice of accommodation can significantly influence the overall experience,...
A safe way to improving indoor air quality and prevent mould at home.
For families living in apartments in Singapore, Pico X Health Ceiling offers a multifaceted solution that enhances indoor air quality, prevents health hazards like mould,...
Antimicrobial Coatings on Mattresses
Mattresses with antimicrobial coatings contribute to a cleaner and safer environment for guests, reducing potential health risks associated with pathogen exposure.
Antimicrobial Coatings: A Revolution in Home and Commercial Space Hygiene
Antimicrobial coatings are specially formulated substances that can be applied to various surfaces to inhibit the growth of harmful microbes.